
Frequently Asked questions

Who is the perfect Candidate to be a JOURNEY Fellow?

She is visionary, innovative, and on the cusp of breakout leadership and impact. We’re looking for mission-driven leaders in the private sector who have overcome obstacles and have clear potential to make a profound difference in addressing societal challenges such as climate change, healthcare, education, the growing wealth gap, access to technology, and global security. Our 2024-25 class of JOURNEY Fellows will be diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, industry, thought, and age. (No restrictions—we believe in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th acts!)

Should I apply?

Are you a barrier breaker? We’re seeking women who have overcome socioeconomic or other challenges, recovered from setbacks, and demonstrated resilience to become stronger leaders.

Are you an impact maker? JOURNEY Fellows have made a significant impact, want to increase their footprint or paint on a bigger canvas—yet lack essential support and access to achieve their full potential. 

Are you a big-idea person who gets things done? JOURNEY Fellows are visionary builders who lead well and have potential to scale growth.

Are you a multiplier? We’re seeking leaders who pay it forward and want to equip other women to optimize their potential—and can help us create a multiplier effect of transformational women leaders.

How does JOURNEY define impact?

The JOURNEY definition of “impact” is addressing the world’s most pressing societal challenges, making a positive difference that’s sustainable, and engaging others to scale impact.

Do I need to hold a specific title or be at a certain level to be considered “on the cusp”?

No. We do not have specific title and level requirements. That said, JOURNEY Fellows have high-level leadership experience and are ready to scale within their industry/area of expertise. (If you just finished graduate school, you might wait a few years to apply—but feel free to drop us a line as we love learning what emerging leaders are building!)

If I run a startup, does it need to be a certain size?

Every entrepreneur starts from zero. We evaluate you, your track record, and your current endeavor holistically. If you’ve demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities and potential to benefit from JOURNEY, you’re an ideal Fellow candidate.

Is a JOURNEY Fellowship open to all races, ethnicities, and types of leaders?

Yes. The 25 Fellows in the 2024-25 class will be U.S.-based leaders in the private sector, reflecting a diversity of race, ethnicity, industry, geography, and background.

Do I need to be nominated to apply?

No. If you’re nominated, we’ll ask you to fill out an application an application. If a mentor or a leader suggests you apply, please mention his or her name in your application.

How will I know if I’m being considered?

We’ll contact you if you’re selected as a finalist in February.

If you have other questions, please email us at

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